The Microdosing Protocols

When it is your first time microdosing truffles, it is recommended to take the first dose on a weekend respectively on a day off so you can get familiar with the effect it will have on you. To get the best out of microdosing, take the dose in the morning right after waking up. For Microdosing beginner, the “Fadiman Protocol” is one of the best starter protocols out there to get a hang of the process. But as soon as you feel confident with microdosing you can take it a step further and try a more advanced protocol.

The Duration and Stop Period

Every Protocol has a “Duration Period ” and a “Stop Period “. In the Duration Period you microdose truffles according to the protocol you chose, for the time indicated and in the Stop Period you don’t take truffles for the time indicated. The periods are highlighted for each protocol.
Much success on your journey!

Do you still have questions before you start? Go to the Frequently asked questions

The Fadiman Protocol

Experience Level: Beginner
When it is your first time microdosing truffles, follow the Fadiman Protocol for 3-4 weeks until you evaluate if it’s the right protocol for you.
fadiman protocol microdosing schedule image

Day 1: Microdosing Day
Day 2: Transition Day; The last rest of psilocybin that is left in your body is being processed by your body. (No Microdosing)
Day 3: Reflection Day; This day is used to recap your experience and impressions from Day 1. (No Microdosing)
Day 4: Microdosing Day

To get a better overview over your progress and experiences it is recommended to keep a so-called Microdosing Journal.
For this, use a small notebook where you make notes about the thoughts that cross your mind when you recap your experience from Day 1.
We recommend to use a pen and paper for your log since various areas in your brain get active with the task of writing, which can improve the purpose of your recaps. 

The 2-days-a-week Protocol

Experience Level: Beginner

This protocol is similar to the Fadiman Protocol except you set two fixed days a week. You can stick to a suggested schedule below or feel free to arrange a schedule yourself but make sure you leave at least one day between taking the next dose.

two days a week protocol microdosing schedule image

Also here it is recommended to keep a Microdosing Journal to recap your experiences after each dosage you’ve taken.

The Nightcap Protocol

Experience Level: Beginner

Some people experience fatigue when microdosing truffles, in such cases try the Nightcap Protocol. You can take any protocol of your choice, for example the Fadiman Protocol, and instead of microdosing in the morning you microdose cca 30-60 minutes before going to bed.

Taking a Microdose before going to bed has more benefits than countering fatigue. Whenever you fall asleep your brain frequency slows down and processes information without incorporating stimuli from the outside therefore the processing is much more efficient and accurate. Theta brain waves are also described to be fertile ground for creativity.

Stamets Protocol

Experience Level: Advanced

The Stamets Protocol adds an additional practice to the microdosing routine called “Stacking”.  Stacking means in this context that you add meticulously chosen food supplements to your microdosing protocol.
Paul Stamets, an American mycologist and entrepreneur created this specific protocol based on studies that suggested neurogenetic properties to Lion’s Mane and psilocybin and even more efficient results by adding higher dose of Niacin.

paul stamets stacking protocol microdosing schedule image lion's mane niacin

Day 1 to Day 4: Microdosing Day, Lion’s Mane and Niacin
Day 5 to Day 7: Optionally you can keep using Lion’s Mane only (No Microdosing)

Paul Stamets is an American mycologist who created the Stamets protocol incorporating years of studies and experience. This name may not sound familiar to you, but you likely became aware of him with the release of the infamous Netflix documentary “Fantastic Fungi” by Louis Schwartzberg in 2019. This documentary’s appearance on a major mainstream platform brought the potential of psilocybin and functional fungi (such as Hericium erinaceus, known as Lion’s Mane) into the spotlight.

Fantastic Fungi Trailer

Joe Rogan Experience #1035

Stamets genuine passion for fungi and his profound work and discoveries made him a desired guest for the Joe Rogan Experience. If you like to listen to podcasts, then this one will give you a delightful peek into the world of Paul Stamets and his fascination about fungi. 

The Fortifying Protocol

Experience Level: Advanced

The Fortifying Protocol uses the practice of “stacking” but with different types of functional mushrooms. With Lion’s Mane‘s neurogenetic properties, Cordyceps‘s energizing features and Reishi‘s calming effect, this protocol balances activity, relaxation and intellect. 

fortifying protocol microdosing stacking schedule image lion's mane, reishi, cordyceps

Day 1 & Day 2: Microdosing Day, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps.
Day 3: Lion’s Mane and Reishi. (No Microdosing)
Day 4: Microdosing Day, Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps 
Day 5: Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps (No Microdosing)
Day 6: Microdosing Day, Lion’s Mane and Reishi
Day 7: Lion’s Mane and Reishi (No Microdosing)

On days you take Cordyceps, add some physical activity (up-time) to your daily routine. e.g. going for a run, gym, cycling, yoga, etc… 
On days you take Reishi, plan in some relaxation time (down-time). For example, going to the sauna, reading a book, breathing exercises, having a meal with family or friends, etc…

The Intuitive Protocol

Experience Level: Expert

The intuitive protocol isn’t bound to rules or schedules. As the name suggests, your schedule is solely defined by your own intuition and therefore essentially tailored to your personal needs.
People that are inherently intuitive, often shift naturally to the Intuitive Protocol after trying a scheduled protocol for one to two weeks.

People that follow the Intuitive Protocol commonly explain, that every time they think of taking a dose, that’s the body asking for it. And whenever they forget about it, the body has no need for it.

The Mind-treats Protocol

Experience Level: Expert

This protocol requires a fair amount of self-discipline and consistence. It uses well-known practices that influence your neurological, physical and mental functions by consciously using simple and well-known biology for your own benefit. These practices will teach you more about your capacity, functionality and the practicality of your autonomic nervous system.

mind treats protocol microdosing schedule image

Day 1: Microdosing Day, Wake up early, Power Breathing and Physical Exercise >30min
Day 2: Power Breathing and Cognitive Exercise (No Microdosing)
Day 3: Microdosing Day, Wake up early and Physical Exercise
Day 4: Microdosing Day, Wake up early, Power Breathing and Cognitive Exercise
Day 5: Wake up early, Physical Exercise and Cognitive Exercise (No Microdosing)
Day 6: Microdosing Day and Power Breathing
Day 7: Cognitive Exercise (No Microdosing)

microdosing xp fresh truffles stacking set, mind treat bundle, lion's mane, vitamin b complex capsules, vitamin d3 spray, free protocol
microdosing fresh truffles stacking set, hollandia, mind treat bundle, lion's mane, vitamin b complex capsules, vitamin d3 spray, free protocol


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