Microdosing Calculator

microdosing trip calculator

“How many truffles do I take?” is one of the most frequently asked questions when you start with magic truffles so we designed a unique microdosing calculator. The calculator takes your weight and substance-sensitiviy into account. You can choose from four different strength – Microdosing, light trip, medium trip and strong trip. Whether you want to Microdose truffles or try higher doses, this calculator will help you to find the right dosage for your individual wishes.

Your weight
Fresh or Dry?
Are you sensitive?
Pick your desired dose

What do the different stages on the slider mean?


A Microdose is a very small dose to make use of the benefits of psilocybin without getting high or impaired in any way. You can function during your day without a problem.

During a light trip sensory changes may happen which includes seeing colors more vibrant, feeling more appealed by music and connected to the surrounding. A light trip is a very good start for people that havo no experience with psychedelics yet.

For a medium trip, it is already important to provide a good set and setting. Distinct visual alterations become apparent, such as distortions in your environment and the emergence of intricate patterns on surfaces. Soon, you may notice flowing patterns on clear surfaces while colors intensify in their richness. Time itself may seem to warp, either slowing to a crawl or rushing forward, leading to moments that feel like an eternity. Some people already experience hallucinations while having their eyes closed.

Before you’re heading for a strong trip, make sure you have the right set and setting and that you’re accompanied by someone you trust and stays sober for the full trip. A strong trip can cause powerful hallucinations even with your eyes open. The visions can manifest in many ways, for example objects in your surrounding may seem alive. Familiar faces or other beings my appear and interact with you. At this point, it might become difficult to differentiate between hallucination and reality. 

The volume of your ego is now completely turned down and the opportunity opens up to explore your “inner landscape”. 

Your weight
Fresh or Dry?
Are you sensitive?
Pick your desired dose

What do the different stages on the slider mean?


A Microdose is a very small dose to make use of the benefits of psilocybin without getting high or impaired in any way. You can function during your day without a problem.

During a light trip sensory changes may happen which includes seeing colors more vibrant, feeling more appealed by music and connected to the surrounding. A light trip is a very good start for people that havo no experience with psychedelics yet.

For a medium trip, it is already important to provide a good set and setting. Distinct visual alterations become apparent, such as distortions in your environment and the emergence of intricate patterns on surfaces. Soon, you may notice flowing patterns on clear surfaces while colors intensify in their richness. Time itself may seem to warp, either slowing to a crawl or rushing forward, leading to moments that feel like an eternity. Some people already experience hallucinations while having their eyes closed.

Before you’re heading for a strong trip, make sure you have the right set and setting and that you’re accompanied by someone you trust and stays sober for the full trip. A strong trip can cause powerful hallucinations even with your eyes open. The visions can manifest in many ways, for example objects in your surrounding may seem alive. Familiar faces or other beings my appear and interact with you. At this point, it might become difficult to differentiate between hallucination and reality. 

The volume of your ego is now completely turned down and the opportunity opens up to explore your “inner landscape”. 

5 tips for microdosing

The importance of  “set and setting” 

The importance of “set and setting”


Set (mindset) and setting (environment) are very important factors that will determine a major aspect of the trip. These two variables will influence how you will experience the trip.

3 important tips for a trip 

If it’s your first time, start with a low dose

For unexperienced users even a normal trip (medium trip) can be quite overwhelming at first. The senses might get overloaded which could induce a bad trip. To prevent a bad experience, start with a light trip. A light trip will give you insight into what effect psychedelics will have on you as an individual. This can help you to tune-in into the effects of psilocybin which can provide you with more confidence for a higher dose. Confidence is the basis for a beneficial psychedelic experience.

Do not use higher doses when you feel off

If you happen to have a feeling that something is not right before you’re heading for a trip, then it’s better to postpone your trip to another day! If you still decide to keep going despite the something is off, then it is possible that you might experience a bad trip.

Never take a second dose!

It is possible that despite a higher dose, you won’t feel or see anything unusual. Do not take another dose! Rather change your setting (dim you lights, go into another room, turn off your eletronics, etc..). If the setting will be right, then the effects will roll in suddenly. 

Disclaimer: This calculator is intended for general informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the calculations, the calculator doesn’t put in account your individual metabolism, your set and setting, your personal experience with psychedelics or other physical or psychological aspects – we do not guarantee its correctness or suitability. The use of this calculator is at the user’s own risk, and we shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages arising from its use. We do not encourage the use of drugs. We educate and provide information to help reduce possible risks.