All about Microdosing

Welcome to our Microdosing 101! Here you can find comprehensive information all about Microdosing and Magic Truffles. Whether your are new to Microdosing or you are an experienced Microdoser, with the following guides you’ll be set-up for a successfull journey.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Psilocybin and Legality

Microdosing involves ingesting small quantities of a substance, often a psychedelic or another mind-altering drug, with the aim of boosting creativity, productivity, and cognitive performance. Furthermore, microdosers frequently note benefits such as heightened focus, greater creativity, improved sleep, enhanced rational thinking, reduced addictive tendencies, and better mental and emotional management. These are just a few examples of the many positive reports associated with microdosing.

Additionally, recent studies suggest that psilocybin can stimulate neurogenesis which is the foundation of creating new pathways in the brain and to reconceptualize existing ones.

Psilocybin is a natural substance that is present in some types of mushrooms and truffles – also known as “Magic Mushrooms” and “Magic Truffles”. When psilocybin is consumed in higher doses, it can strongly alter sensory and cognitive functions that might induce hallucinations or so called “out of body experiences” which is therefore categorized as psychedelic. The threshold for this effect to occur and the intensity differs from person to person.

If you dose psilocybin correctly you can make use of the benefits without experiencing unwanted side effects.

“It is the dose that makes the poison” – Paracelsus, 16th century


In 2008, the Dutch government introduced new legislation that banned the sale of magic mushrooms in the legal market. This legal update specifically prohibited the fruit bodies that grow above the ground, commonly known as mushrooms. However, it’s essential to note that everything that grows underground, such as truffles, remained unaffected by this ban. Which means, that psilocybin is 100% legal in the Netherlands in form of truffles. To ensure compliance with the law, it’s crucial that these truffles are fresh and haven’t undergone any processing, such as drying.

Mushroom grow kits

Despite the illegality of magic mushrooms, it’s important to mention that grow kits are not covered by this prohibition and can be legally sold in the Netherlands as well. 

Outside the Netherlands

The European Union offers us the right for free movement of goods however this doesn’t mean that magic truffles and grow kits are automatically legal in your country. We don’t have the resources to provide legal information for every country therefore it is your responsibility to assess the legal status of your own country respectively the country you want your package to be delivered to.

It is recommended to do your own research before ordering from If you’re in doubt, it is recommended to consult a lawyer. We are not responsible for confiscated or lost products and we can’t offer refunds in such cases.

Storing Fresh Magic Truffles

Fresh truffles have to be stored cool, dark and dry. For more detailed Tipps and Tricks go to How to store truffles.

Please check the packaging for the expiry date. Fresh truffles have to be stored in the fridge at all times to guarantee the given shelf life which is +/- 2 months. If you want to store them for longer, then it’s necessary to dry the truffles first. Read more about how to dry truffles.

Truffles can be consumed in four different ways:

Chew them thorougly and then swallow

By chewing them you pre-process it for your body which means that the psilocybin will be processed very quickly and you’ll experience the effect faster and more intense.  

Swallow the truffles in one piece

This method gives your body time to break down the psilocybin in your stomach which releases the effects slower and more gentle. 

Make a truffle tea

Cut truffles into small pieces and put them in a strainer. Boil some water and let it cool off for a bit until the temperature drops to around 80°C. Pour the hot water into a cup with your truffles and let it sit for cca 15 minutes. Add some honey and enjoy!

Dry truffles filled in capsules

This method takes a little more patience since the truffles have to be dried, powdered and filled into capsules (how to dry truffles). Some people are not very fond of the taste and prefer to consume it this way.  

Yes, the product is still good! Psilcybin reacts with oyxgen and turns the natural brown/ochre color into a more exciting green and blue. This color-change simply means that you have the right type of truffles!

Truffles can be stored outside the fridge for a maximum of 14 days. After this time period, there’s no guarantee for freshness anymore therefore please store truffles in the fridge at all times to keep them fresh and to guarantee the expiry date printed on the package. 

Using Fresh Magic Truffles

In higher doses (from 7g)

Magic truffles have a profound impact, acting as a psychedelic drug that initiates a transformative journey within oneself. This journey typically lasts for approximately 5 to 7 hours, with some lingering effects for a few hours afterward. It is advisable to avoid any commitments or obligations following the experience to allow for a smoother “fade-out” and a sense of relaxation.

Generally, the effects of magic truffles are more potent when a higher quantity is consumed. For those with little to no experience with truffles or other psychedelic substances, it is wise to start with a lower dosage to acclimate to the experience.
Read more about how to find your “Sweet Spot”.

The effects of higher dosage

Truffles can change how you see things and spark creativity, often leading to a shift in perception of reality, which is why they’re called “philosopher’s stones.” On the trip, people may feel different, with more intense experiences of colors, sounds and feelings. They might also see things and people strangely and find it really funny, especially when they close their eyes, revealing fantastic shapes and colors called “closed eye visuals.”

Microdosing (up to 2g)

In smaller doses you can harvest the same effects of enhanced cognitive and metacognitive senses without experiencing the “high”. You’re able to function in your daily tasks. Microdosers report to have improved mood, increased creativity and a better and more detailed understanding about themselves.

“The true journey of discovery lies not in the destination, but in the inner landscapes explored along the way.” – Marcel Proust

The best time for Microdosing

Most protocols suggest to take a dose in the morning but with the nightacap protocol you dose before going to bed. In general, you can take your microdose at any time of the day.

The best time for a trip

Before beginning a truffle trip, it’s essential to grasp the concept of “set and setting.” Coined by psychedelic researcher Timothy Leary, this idea underscores the significance of your mental state (set) and the physical and social environment (setting) during the experience. A positive mindset, including your thoughts, desires, and general mood, significantly impacts the overall trip. Likewise, a secure and comfortable setting, accompanied by trusted friends and a pleasant ambiance, can enhance the trip.


The tolerance for psilocybin varies with every person. If you are experienced with psychedelics, a dosage between 0.5g – 1g might be a good start for you. If this is your first time experiencing psychedelics then you might want to start with a lower dosage than 0.5g. Read more about how to find your right dosage.

If you decide to increase your dosage, it is recommended to do it on a day off, in case you might have take a little more than your daily activies can anticipate. Read more about how to find your sweet spot.

If it is your first time it is recommend to start with the Fadiman-protocol. It is a good intorductory protocol to gather your first experiences with microdosing. The more experience you have the more you’ll find yourself exploring other protocols. To see an overview of which protocols are available please go to The Protocols.

When it comes to the effects of truffles, there is a distinction between microdosing and higher dosages. While microdosing involves taking small amounts of truffles, higher doses can lead to different experiences. It’s important to understand the potential side effects associated with higher dosages.

When Microdosing

Microdosing involves taking minimal amounts of truffles, typically sub-perceptual doses. Microdosing aims to harness the potential benefits of truffles, such as enhanced focus, creativity, and mood regulation, without inducing a full psychedelic experience or significant side effects. The purpose of microdosing is to integrate the positive effects into daily life, promoting well-being and productivity.

When taking a higher dosage

When individuals consume higher truffle doses, they may briefly encounter side effects such as mild nausea, increased heart rate, and dilated pupils. These sensations usually subside as the trip progresses. It’s crucial to note that these side effects are most noticeable at the trip’s outset but tend to diminish shortly afterward.

For those contemplating higher truffle doses, being mindful of these potential side effects is vital. Approach your journey cautiously, ensuring a safe and comfortable setting and having a reliable support system. Prior knowledge of the effects and adequate preparation can enhance your ability to navigate the experience.

Safety first

It’s crucial to acknowledge that truffle effects vary between individuals due to factors like dosage, set and setting, and personal sensitivity. To make the most of the potential benefits while minimizing risks or discomfort, it’s advisable to approach truffle use responsibly.

Prioritize your safety and well-being when considering truffle use. Consulting an experienced guide in psychedelics can offer tailored insights and guidance for your specific situation.

We’d love to hear your story! The more experiences are shared the more can be learned from it. Your personal story gives people the opportunity to be less isolated with certain feelings, experiences, situations or thoughts. Please send us an email to [email protected]. And don’t worry, we’ll keep you anonymous unless you agree your story and your name to be published. 

Magic Truffles 15g Packs and Microdosing XP

Hollandia Truffles 

Hollandia Truffles are conveniently packaged in 15g vacuum pouches, allowing you to have precise control over your dosage. To microdose this product effectively, you will need a scale. Hollandia Truffles are larger than Microdosing XP, which means that psilocybin may not be evenly distributed throughout the truffle. Therefore, we recommend composing your daily dose from various small pieces in your package to achieve an average psilocybin content.

Depending on your chosen dosage, a 15g pack of truffles can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks.

Microdosing XP 

Microdosing XP truffles, which are notably smaller than regular Magic Truffles, offer a unique advantage. Their reduced size increases the likelihood of consistently delivering a precise dose of psilocybin with each use. These Microdosing XP truffles come pre-packaged in 1-gram portions. However, given the natural variation in content, it is advisable to use a scale for accurate measurements.

A single box of Microdosing XP includes 6x1g portions and can typically last between 1 to 2 weeks, depending on your chosen dosage.

Save up to 15% with the Microdosing Starter Bundle

Availabe with Hollandia 15g or Microdosing XP 

Depending on the dosage and protocol, one 15g pack of Truffles can last for cca 4 weeks.

0,5g per day last for 30 days
1,0g per day last for 15 days

Depending on the dosage and protocol, one package of Microdosing XP can last up to almost 2 weeks of microdosing.

0,5g per day last for 12 days
1,0g per day last for 6 days

Yes, it is still good. It can happen that you receive a Microdosing XP package where some vacuumed compartments are bloated. The bulge is CO2, that has been naturally released by the fresh truffles over time but it does not affect the freshness and potency of the truffles as long as its within the expiry date.

Truffles consist of 50%-70% of water. Therefore, it is normal see sometimes accumulated humidity in the closed vacuum pouch or blister. As long as the vacuum seal is still intact, the humidity won’t affect the fresh product. 

As soon as you open the package or blister-compartment, the truffles will be exposed to oxygen. As soon as the truffles get in touch with oxygen, you have to keep them dry in a closed container to keep them fresh. Read more about how to store fresh truffles.

Disclaimer: Information provided on mind-treats serve exclusively for informational and educational purpose and does not guarantee validity, legality, accuracy or correctness. Mind-treats provides resources to adults (age 18+) that decided to microdose on their own initiative and resposibility therefore you act at your own risk. We do not provide any medical advice, medical service or medical recommendations, therefore you act entirely at your own risk. Microdosing does not substiute medical help or appropriate treatment. In case of physiological or psychological complaints please contact an appropriate professional for medical assessment and treatment. Read more [Disclaimer].