Start Microdosing: A beginners guide

Before you start microdosing, it is recommended to do some basic research about it. It is not mandatory but it always help to understand a little better what you are about to do. We have a collection of information on our platform that’ll tell you about the history and the science with its potential benefits connected to it but it is always better to gather your information from multiple platforms.


Microdosing Protocol

A Microdosing Protocol is a predefined schedule where a small dose of psychedelics is taken, in our case fresh magic truffles. There are different types of protocols. Some are better for beginners and others are for more experienced users. Here is a list of Microdosing Protocols you can choose from.

Microdosing Journal

When you start microdosing, it is recommended to keep a Microdosing Journal so you have a better overview of your experiences, thoughts and feelings when you recap.  

But before you jump straight to the protocols it is good to know that there’s a difference between fresh and dry truffles and how to find your “Sweet Spot“.

Fresh or dry

Truffles contain cca 50% – 70% water. When it’s being dried, it loses most of its water which reduces the truffles in size but the content of active ingredients (psilocybin) is increased. Which means, dried truffles are more potent then fresh truffles. The table (Table 1) is just an indication, your personal “sweet spot” might be more or less than you see on the table.

Table 1 – Fresh or dried truffles table

The “Sweet spot”

start microdosing, how to find your sweet spot microdosing table

Table 2 – Start dosage table

The “Sweet Spot” is the ideal dosage which varies between individuals. First, you find the right starting dosage. This depends on whether you have experiences with psychedelics and how sensitive you are to substances (Table 2). Increase the dosage by 0,2 – 0,5g with each time taking until you reach the point where you feel you get the best out of it. If you think you took more than you feel comfort with then reduce the amount next time.

“Listen to your body, not your ego” – Wim Hof


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