Category Archives: Psychedelics

The Enigma of Psychedelics: Exclusion from Pharmaceutical Medicines in a World of Scheduled Drug Sales

In the realm of pharmaceuticals and scheduled drugs, there exists a perplexing enigma surrounding the [...]

Exploring the Positive Impact of Psilocybin on Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life. It can bring uncomfortable symptoms and [...]

MDMA-Assisted Therapy for PTSD Now Available in Australia

In a groundbreaking move, Australia has officially recognized MDMA as a medicine for the treatment [...]

Psychedelics and Neuroplasticity: Exploring the Biological Mechanisms

In recent years, microdosing psilocybin has become a popular trend among those looking to improve [...]

The Ongoing Battle for the Use of Psilocybin in Studies

The use of psychdelics has been a topic of scientific research for decades. The substance [...]