Microdosing Journal


In a Microdosing Journal you keep record of your personal microdosing journey. This can be done either digitally or in a simple notebook. When microdosing, you might get more conscious about the autonomous and unconscious part of yourself (Meta-cognition). Subtle changes might fall more to your attention and your perception might get more fine-tuned. It is also possible that you might notice changes in your behaviour and in your thought-process.

The journal helps you to gain insight in your daily life and may help you see what needs improvement. The more detailed you keep the journal the better overview you might get of yourself when you recap your journey.

Physical or Digital journal


Writing your experience in a notebook uses different parts in your brain than typing on a keyboard or tapping on a touchscreen. You’re not only creating a better connection to the content when it’s handwritten but various parts in your brain are more active as well which improves focus and learning ability. Especially handwritten journals help to structure mental space and get a better overview of the things the mind may be cluttered with.   

You can buy a notebook conveniently online, like Amazon, or in a local office supply store.


You can also keep your journal digitally, which may be more efficient in time but less efficient when you aim to purposefully train your brain. You can use any app that allows you to make notes:

  • Microdosing tracking apps
  • Notes
  • Calendar
  • Voice notes (speech to text apps)


In general, you can use any structure that you feel most comfort with. Whether it is a pre-made structure that fits your persona or if it’s a structure that you customized or even invented yourself. The basic core of every structure is starting with the date (e.g. 4th of March 2023). If you need some more inspiration for how to write a microdosing journal you can find three examples below.

Write creatively in full sentences

This is the most time-intensive option but the best option to train your brain. If you have time, then this is the most recommended way to write your journal.

e.g. 04/03/2023: I woke up at 5:30 and the first thing I noticed were the bird singing in front of my bed room window. How come I have never heard them before?…

This method has the same benefits for your brain as writing short sentences. By adding more creativity to your expression you increase the ‘difficulty’ for the brain.

Most time-intensive method.

Write in short sentences

If you would like to make use of the positive effects of writing on your brain but you don’t have as much free time for creative writing at your disposal, then this is a great method to pick.

e.g. 04/03/2023: I woke up at 5:30 and noticed the birds singing in front of my window…

It activates many areas in your brain including the sensory and motoric skills, learning ability, creativity, memory, language and more. And you have enough context for the recap.

It takes more time than writing in keywords.

Write in keywords

This method give you less content and information about your experiences which can make it harder when you recap. Even for the most skilled brains it is tough to remember what has been thought in the morning two months ago…

e.g. 04/03/2023: Woke up 5:30, birds singing, microdose 1g, …

This method is more time efficient and more convenient to keep record of moments worth to make a quick note of on busy days.

When recapping, you might lose some valuable information because of missing context.


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