How to store Truffles


Storing truffles is very easy!
with the following steps you can learn how to store truffles, whether fresh or dry.

First, you decide if you want to store them fresh or dry.

Fresh truffles

Best effect and taste when fresh

Sealed in vacuum pouch

Small effort to store

Need to be stored in the fridge

Sensitive to temperature, light and humidity

Fresh truffles (sclerotia) are sensitive to temperature, light, and humidity. Therefore, exposing them to at least one of these factors significantly reduces their shelf life. All truffle packs are marked with an expiry date (+/- 2 months). By following the steps below, you can ensure they remain fresh for as long as possible.

Dry truffles

Extended shelf life

Can be stored at room temperature or in the freezer

Psilocybin looses potency over time

Preparation takes more time and effort

Dried truffles offer a significantly longer shelf life and can be conveniently stored at room temperature. However, as time passes, psilocybin naturally degrades, resulting in a decrease in potency the longer they are stored. Properly drying them requires a bit of effort and time investment. Dried truffles can typically be stored for approximately one year, and below, you’ll find instructions on how to prepare them.

How to store FRESH truffels

Truffles can show a blue tint over time. Don’t worry, they haven’t gone bad! It is a natural oxidation process and a sign that you have the right product.

step 1

store cool, store in fridge

Keep Refrigirated

As soon as you receive your order, place the fresh truffles in the fridge. Both sealed and unsealed packs always need to be kept cool!


Never put fresh truffles in the freezer!

step 2

store fresh truffles in a closed container

Closed Container

After unsealing a package place the content in a small and closed container. The smaller the container the less oxygen will react with the truffles which keeps them fresh and potent. Place the container back in the fridge.

step 3

kitchen towel, absorb humidity

Keep Dry

To keep them fresh for even longer, place a paper towel on the bottom of your container to absorb excess humidity. Replace the paper every 2-4 days.

How to store DRY truffels

Note: According to Dutch law, it is forbidden to process truffles. We recommend keeping them fresh and using them before the indicated expiry date.

step 1

cut in small pieces

Mince the truffles

Cut the truffles into small pieces and place them on a clean kitchen towel. Leave it in a dark and dry place until it’s fully dry. Make sure that the room is well ventilated.

The drying process varies with given conditions – between 1 day and 1 week. If you live in a place with higher humidity, it will take longer for them to dry. In such cases, use a fan to help the natural air-drying process.

Being patient and allowing them to dry fully is important!

step 2

grind powder

Grind into Powder

Once the truffles are fully dry, grind them into powder. You can ensure a more even distribution of psilocybin,by grinding the truffles into a finer powder. This is important for Microdosing purposes.

Afterwards, place the fine powder in a closed container and store it in a dark place at room temperature.

Moreover, If you want to keep them for even longer then you can store dry truffles in the freezer. 


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